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Artificial insemination
Artificial insemination (AI) is an assisted reproduction technique that consists of depositing previously selected sperm, coming from the patient couple or donor, in the genital tract of the patient through an insemination cannula to get pregnancy. There are essential criteria for performing artificial insemination, such as good sperm quality and other factors that can confirm the viability of the technique like the permeability of the fallopian tube. The success rate of this technique, depending on the patient age and sperm quality, is mentioned to be around 20%.

In Vitro Fertilisation
In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) is the assisted reproduction technique that consists of stimulating the woman’s ovaries to obtain eggs and subsequently inseminating them in the laboratory with the sperm of her partner or a sperm donor. Once the egg has been inseminated with sperm, they are left in an incubator so that the embryos develop in conditions that are as close to physiological as possible. After 3 or 5 days, the embryo with the best morpho-kinetic characteristics is selected and transferred to the mother’s uterus to achieve implantation and continue its development. The rest of the embryos generated are vitrified so they can be used in the future. The success rates of this technique vary depending on the age of the woman since, as the woman gets older, the quality of her eggs lose quality at a biological and reproductive level.

Embryo transfer
Intrauterine embryo transfer is the process by which embryos obtained in the laboratory are placed in the patient’s uterine cavity through a soft cannula. It is an atraumatic procedure that does not require anesthesia. Embryo transfer can be of fresh embryos or previously vitrified embryos. When embryo transfer is carried out with previously vitrified embryos, it is called “frozen embryo transfer” and requires prior endometrial preparation to achieve adequate maturation of the endometrium to allow implantation of the embryo after its devitrification and transfer to the uterine cavity.

Egg Donation
Egg Donation is an assisted reproduction technique in which the egg comes from a woman (donor) other than the one who will receive the embryo from it. It is the treatment with the highest success rate in Assisted Reproduction, which allows pregnancy to be achieved in women who have not achieved it through in vitro fecundation (IVF) with their own eggs or who, due to their physiological conditions, cannot undergo this type of treatment.

Reciprocal IVF method (ROPA)
Reception of Oocytes from the Partner (ROPA) is an Assisted Reproduction treatment in which both women in the couple actively participate in the pregnancy: one provides the eggs and the other develops the pregnancy. The woman who provides the eggs will undergo an In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) cycle to obtain the eggs and then inseminate them in the laboratory with sperm from donor semen to generate embryos.
- The receiving woman will be the carrier of the pregnancy and will undergo endometrial preparation to achieve correct maturation of the endometrium and thus be ready to receive the embryo and achieve its implantation.
- The success rates of this technique vary according to the age of the woman who donates the eggs since, as the woman gets older, the quality of her eggs lose quality at a biological and reproductive level.

Preimplantation genetic testing
Preimplantation genetic testing (PGS or PGT-A) allows the chromosomal content of embryos to be determined before they are transferred to the mother’s uterus, without negatively affecting their development or implantation capacity. Couples must necessarily undergo an in vitro fertilisation (IVF) cycle to generate embryos and be able to perform genetic analysis during their development in vivo. In order to carry out this analysis, an embryo biopsy must be performed, which consists of removing a few cells from the embryo. The result obtained from these cells is extrapolated to the rest of the embryo. Embryos free of chromosomal alterations will be transferred to the mother’s uterus. The clinical pregnancy rate in PGS or PGT-A cycles is around 70-80%.

Embryo donation
Embryo donation consists of the transfer of an embryo from the embryo bank. These are embryos at the blastocyst stage, that is, on day 5 of embryonic development and, as they are good quality embryos, the success rate for each transferred embryo is 50-60%.

Fertility preservation (or egg freezing)
Egg freezing is the chosen treatment when a woman wishes to preserve her fertility. It consists of performing ovarian stimulation to obtain oocytes and then vitrifying them in order to preserve them for as long as the woman wishes to postpone motherhood, maintaining the quality of the eggs they had at the time of vitrification. When the time comes to use these eggs, whether months or years later, they are devitrified and inseminated with the partner’s or donor’s sperm to carry out embryonic development and, finally, perform the embryo transfer.